With a song on my lips, i move along
With a sweet melody in my heart, i move along
Wherever i wander, people say
"Just look at this trusting fool
How he embraces both, friend and stranger
Does he not know, the times are full of danger,
And even friends are known to carry daggers?
With a song on my lips, i move along
With a sweet melody in my heart, i move along
It is not as if the pains of love and the world do not exist for me
But not much sorrow does the past hold, nor much fear the future, for me
I cannot claim that misfortune and heartbreak were created just for me
With a song on my lips, i move along
With a sweet melody in my heart, i move along
There are those who object to my laughter, too
"Just making ends meet is full of strife
The unequal fight between income and expense burdens life
Frayed garments and an empty stomach are old friends
And this carefree one asks why his laugh offends!"
With a song on my lips, i move along
With a sweet melody in my heart, i move along
I have stepped carefully around jagged pieces of broken aspiration
I have burned often in the inescapable light of the moon of separation
But yet, my jauntiness of walk remains undiminished
I am sure to die, but i am certainly not finished
With a song on my lips, i move along
With a sweet melody in my heart, i move along
I know not where leads this path, where lies the destination
Nor when the train of this pained heart will arrive at a peaceful station
What scenario will present itself beyond the eye's horizon
Whether promises of paradise are lies, or if hopes do find sublimation
With a song on my lips, i move along
With a sweet melody in my heart, i move along
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